You go girls!
It takes a bit of time and distance to really appreciate what you’ve got, which is why our annual appointment for our Moskito Design Year in Review is always set for the end of January. Let’s go!
Another year, another 5 pitches won
Work-wise, our biggest news is that we busted our butts for not one but five big pitches this year.
Pitches, frankly, are exhausting. You’ve got one shot to impress the pants off your clients. You have to learn about a new client and brief, study the history, the challenges and opportunities, conceive and evaluate your approach and make it all come alive in a show-stopping presentation. And company-wide you have to manage time and resources to make sure you’re still delivering excellence-as-usual to all your current clients as well. Pitches are exhausting, but they’re also an amazing way to stretch yourself, learn what your capable of, and discover new exciting potential. Which is why love pouring our all into them.
And the good news? We won. And won. And won. And won. And won. (We’re pretty proud of ourselves, see?).
But that’s just the start: 7 new clients
As much as we love them, what’s way better than winning pitches is actually carrying through on the work, and making your bright ideas really live out in the world. For those clients, and as well as other new ones.
So we’re super excited to announce that we’re in the middle of projects for new clients Nestlé, Samsung, Diners Club, Bricoman, Mondadori, Elior, and pwc. We’ve dropped a few hints on our Instagram feed, but later in the year we’ll be adding more in-depth case studies to our portfolio. Stay tuned!
Maturing relationships
It wasn’t all new faces, though. In fact, some of our richest projects for the clients who keep choosing us project after project, year after year.
10 years into our journey with client, they came to us to restyle their website as part of their rebranding. The result is a vibrant, impactful, completely new look and feel for one of Italy’s leading online car marketplaces.
Our relationship with Facebook continued to evolve through a series of new educational B2B projects. For Facebook, we wrote, designed, illustrated and localized for 5 markets an animated Instagram Stories video campaign called You’ve Already Got It. In another project, we developed our winning concept pitch to help digital marketeers to the next level: Performance Pioneers, as well as an educational co-branding video project (coming soon) between Merkle and Facebook.
Work with eBay continues to look East as we handled communication for buyers and sellers for eBay Russia and the emerging countries worldwide, though we had a blast with the massive Star Wars-themed Black Friday events right at home in eBay Italy.
For Switzerland-based Pagani Pens, our copywriting team completed our second catalogue for brand Pigra and began to help them expand their brand Prodir across social media.
Styling up our look
As we completed our 13th year and head into our 14th, we knew it was time to change up our look. We finished our new website while at the same time completing renovation on the ground floor of our building. Moskito Design now occupies 2 floors in our offices on Via Staurenghi 36, Varese, which means more space, more light, more meeting rooms and reception areas, and more room for incoming Moskiti!
Because there are more. We continued to expand with six new women who’ve already become invaluable to their teams. Say hello and welcome to Martina M., Martina S., Federica S. and Lucia in our graphic design team, as well as Federica T. and Miriam in marketing. And, as we like to report every year, we were delighted to say hello to two new babies: one born in June, one in December.
Thank You
That’s enough new news for one year! So thanks to you, our clients, employees, partners, suppliers, friends and fans who made 2019 another growth year for us at Moskito Design – and as always, we can’t wait to see what you’ll help bring this year!